Friday 15 August 2014

Opulent Truffle Spaghetti served 10

For dinner tonight it is a very special treat and my favourite, Truffle. Sometime's it's hard to get all the facts no mater how hard you try. But I was under the impression that truffles were hugely expensive but out of the freezer came a commercial catering package in a clear plastic bag, so no hints there either on origin or cost, I'm salivating at the smell and wondering just how much you pay for such a heist of this food for the gods. There must be a cheeper option here to what we hear of back home as Emma tells me this bag is about €150 for this one kg so about $210 a kg. OK that's not cheep but it's not as expensive as back home by a long shot, so bring it on ... feed me .... And feed me truffles.

In a fry pan with a good amount of olive oil, fry 2 cloves of garlic and add I small
jar of anchovies cook till they melt, the smell is amazing.
Turn off the heat and add the grated truffle about 3/4 cup. ( comparing to a jar a fifth of this quantity that we payed $44 in Melbourne several weeks ago this makes this a very expensive dish to achieve in good old Aussie Land )
Cook some dried spaghetti and add back into the pan with the oil, anchovies mix, toss and serve with 1/4 cup extra truffle on top just because you can with some shaved Pecorino ( sheep's cheese ).
OMG it was just truly Opulent and such a special treat.

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