Tuesday 14 January 2020

11th Jan our 3rd and last Malaysian Cooking Class

This is our last port and we took a cooking class with Sara in 
Kuala Lumpur at 
The Malaysian Kitchen Cooking Class.

In the berbs, herb garden in the shadows of the high-rises.

Picking herbs with Sara before we cook.

More "ANT" flowers!!!

Sara's Beauty out shines the food here, and the dishes were STUNNING
WOW What a beautiful lady
Felt like I was on a film set for Miss Saigon

 Here is a traditional home so no shoes, this is a challenge for us Australians who always where shoes in the kitchen so Sara is happy as long as they are new. We have carried a new pair of shoes each all around the world for this our last cooking class,
now that’s dedication to the craft!

Sadly I have to leave the blog here as we only have a few hours left to take in Singapore prior to flying out tonight at 
7pm 14th Jan 2020.
I may get some time at the airport later to post some of what we cooked with Sara.
So for now I will leave this section of the blog with
 Miss Saigon. 
And sorry Sara, the Ginger flower buds still taste like ants.

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