Thursday 2 January 2020

Crawford Food Markets

The drive through the city was noisy and manic, but soooooo much fun. Being high up in the bus gave us a great view over the cars, bikes, cabs, people, people with carts, dogs, cows and whatever else wanted to use to roadway, forward, sideways, diagonal and even backwards, it was just fantastic and eye opening.

Off the bus again this time at the Crawford food markets, wow what a visual place this was and the people here are just so friendly. Here the mix is more about the Indian locals selling fruit, veg and spices to the everyday Indian to take home to cook. Again the faces are amazing, so armed with my bag of sultanas and my Aussie hat it was a great experience. Can’t believe the number of people that stopped me and wanted selfies taken with me, must be that big white smiley face.

Pomegranates that tasted sooooo good

It’s clear I need to get out more and be more adventurous with food! as today I got to try my 1st ever custard apple, creamy texture and for me a hint on apricot and fruit salad so it’s off to the vege department back home to buy some.

Our day ended back on the ship, again lot of disinfectant for the shoes. All clean and fresh as a daisy, it’s time to sit back on the deck and watch the boats sail by with a Indian Tonic with a wee splash of gin, oh, so colonial. Later again off to deck 5 to meet up with our chef from the market tour and then we do a hands-on cooking class of some of Mumbai’s favorite dishes. 

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