Wednesday 1 January 2020

26th Dec

We arrived early into Goa and the sun was still to make an appearance. The mist is typical of the area as it is their winter and the overnight dew is still heavy in the morning air. Today in Goa it is to be a low of 24 and a top for 34, here in Goa in the summer monsoon season July /August it will be 38 with 100% humidity heading up to 48 deg as the summer dries and heats up! Ouch. This is our 2nd exotic Indian port on our journey, we have now sailed up some 700 nautical miles over the Lakshadweep Sea and now into the Arabian Sea on the Indian Ocean off the west coast of India.

Today we took one of the organised shore excursions offered from the ship. As much as Sandy and I love to hop off the ship and do our own thing today we opted to be looked after a bit more as the towns are getting bigger and tomorrow we will be in Mumbai and well I get lost in Grace Brother so Sandy will be needing a leash for my own protection, here hoping it has a black leather collar with silver studs!!!

Our bus of just 14 with one of the ships chefs to escort us was just a perfect size, this tour is not a popular one as it was to the fish markets “stinky poooooo’s” and other foody places with a lunch is a local restaurant and of course some free time to mingle with the crowds + a spot of shopping and to take a pic or two.

Our day ended back on the ship with a lot of disinfectant, a dam good hosing down and a bucket load of Glenn 20 for the soles of our shoes. All clean now, it’s time to sit back on the deck and watch the sun set over Goa with a huge glass filled with ice and local Indian sauvignon blanc which I found at the markets. Wine in India even local one’s are expensive but the port and whiskies are cheap. Pickup up a couple of plastic bottles of Goa’s own Port the are was inhabited by the Portagese way back when, so great for us Port lovers and at $6.00 a bottle I was not expecting too much but now disappointed I didn’t buy a whole shipping container! It is and now was so fruity and fresh and at 14% an easy drop. Portu Goa Port Wine fermented and bottles by Le Meredien Distillery & Winery, Arao, Pomburpa, Bardez, Goa.    

As a finish to our on-land tour in Goa it’s now off to deck 5 to meet up with our chef from the market tour and then we do a hands-on cooking class of some of Goa’s favorite dishes for tonight’s dinner. Things are a bit tough when one have to cook his own dinner on the ship!!
A glass of bubbles precooking!

 Opps sorry - food content later when i get the pic's xx

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