Saturday 4 January 2020

Street Food of Mumbai and the Carrot Pickles

Lunch at the Cream Center Vego restaurant was just off the highway

In the old section of town 

And was part of the Ships Chef Food day tour after the visit to the food markets and rubbing shoulder with the locals.

Local street food chef-eeed up a bit,
the taste of India on a plate.

Top of pic is the Dahi Papdi Chatt, had these little gems in the Indian restaurant in Singapore so was great to get them again and knowing that my taste buds were going to be happy today.
Remember the little crispy bread base, pea and potato curry with a tangy and sweet tamarind chutney topped with crunchy noodles.
The carrots are a typical Indian pickles, if you have been to a Indian restaurant this is the pickles that makes one's cheeks turn inside-out! and we normally only see them with lime, here in India the lime is a bit less but still with the same sour taste profile but with the addition of the crispy carrots. 
Recipe to come from an Indian guy that I meet on the ship.

Pani Puri - little crispy balloons on a lake of yogurt, a dash of the tamarind chutney and the crunch noodles.
 Exciting explosion in the mouth.

Now some do it yourself Pani Puri
Potato cooked in a light tomato curry, mung beans, a couple of hot, sweet chutneys and a jug of salty fermented mung bean water to season with.
So, potato-ee balloon explosions with sweet, hot, tangy, and sour.
MY taste buds are dancing to the sounds BOLLYWOOD.  

Heading back to the ship past on of the millions of cricket pitches here in Mumbai

Another of the green spaces that dot over Mumbai, with some colonial dude's bronze for being or done something!

A bit of old (a bit Big Ben-ish!) being restored next to something new, looking over some more cricket pitches.

Gerard my new Mumbai Indian friend from the ship that will be sending me his mum's carrot pickles recipe, or no problems when next I'm Mumbai just call in past his mum's place and she will teach us herself - Careful Gerard we may just be taking you up on that offer.

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