Wednesday 1 January 2020

Arriving into Kochi India

and we docked on Willingdon Island 12 noon Tuesday Christmas Eve. Onto dry stable land after our smooth-ish 350 nautical mile trip from Sri Lanka up the west coast of India.

The days are warming up (even though it’s their winter) to a top of 34 deg “already” and humidity at 99.9 with misty blue skies.
2 paces down the gang plank and off the ship the sweat starting to run as I’m in long pants. The place we are having our cooking class is in a tradition home of a local Indian family and a respectful dress code is required. All good when we arrive at the cooking school as it is air-conditioned so it’s just getting there and back. So, let the games begin with the next round of Tuk Tuk drivers waiting eagerly for our arrival. Today’s Indian drivers unlike Sri Lanka are a bit more lay back with the dress code with baby shit yellow (sorry, no disrespect but it is the only way to describe that colour) mostly in long pants, clearly locals who are seasoned to the humidity with a few in pristine white wraps, now that looked way cooler. 

The road to the local water ferry was fair game for the Tuk Tuk drivers as they were a little sneaky trying to let us know that it was a long walk and the ferry was not opened for a few hours so come with me for a ride to see the sights. 

The walk took us past some great day to day sights with no tourists

We had already googled earthed our local ferry’s location and had a map prior to leaving Australia so knew that some little white Indian tuk tuk fib’s may have been in play for the unsure tourist. Again, we just wanted the wander in “non tuk tuk peace” to check out the local streets and take some pic’s as we walked.

And after our 40min walk we ended up at the local ferry terminal heading to another local island to do our cooking class.

4 Rupia for a one way ticket, less than a $1 but when they smile at you and take your 100 Rupia note and say they don't have change you know that was our first smiley con artist as there were many people infront of us who had already parted with the coins.
All good, i'm in India and i'm here for the food and the people.

Always time for a spot of earring shopping.

Before the class we had time to do some sites and here are the famous fishing nets of Kochi

The ferry stops are real and very local

And with great views back over to mainland India

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