Monday 13 January 2020

Seasonal Food and MSG.

What at a fabulous class and we learnt so much about market to plate seasonal Malaysian cooking. Chef Samuel is passionate and loved his white board.

According to Chef Samuel there are 5 things needed in Malaysian cooking, Sweet-Sour-Salt-Bitter but they need Umami (MSG) to round out the total Malaysian combination of traditional flavours. 

For example, in Indian its just 3, Sweet-Sour-Umami (natural MSG from tomato) to make the flavour balance and for Thai it Sweet-Sour-Salty with the Umami coming from the fish sauce. YES YES there is a chemical MSG no.621 ++ other numbers that is in a very salty form of MSG badly used in processed food and some Chinese’s restaurants in Australia but I’m not going there!! Malaysian Umami according to the gospel according to Chef Samuel in its natural form can also come from a processed MSG (natural?) which they make from sugar cane and or tapioca … now let’s not get into the for and against of MSG as for Sandy she has a HUGE allergy to MSG in chemical forms and also in the natural fermentation process for example in Italian Parmesan Cheese which as raw ingredient milk and rennet are fine for her to eat but when they are combined and with time and fermentation it is turned into a natural form of MSG which can give my Sandy a REAL BAD time!!!!

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