Monday 22 September 2014

Best Version ... Caponata di Melanzane Maria from Venice

Mission successfully completed
Maria is a great cook and this is her version of caponata which is more to our taste.

3 large eggplants
1 1/2. Cups olive oil
2 celery stalks finley diced
1 large sliced onion
3 red Capsicums
1-2 tabs capers
1 chopped anchovy
1 tin of tomatoes
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook in a small separate pan the capsicum cooking very slowly for about 1/2hr they become sweet and very soft. In a large pot cook the eggplants in some EVO and sit aside. Then using the large pan cook the onion and celery again until soft, keep covered and sweat. Add all the vegetables together with the tomatoes and add in the capers finely chopped, the anchovy, vinegar and cook for 20 mins add salt and pepper to taste.

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