Saturday 6 September 2014

Kasadasi Turkey

After Greek Island hopping yesterday today we are back onto the mainland of Turkey, its our last day to experience this interesting and exotic culture.

The port was a blast from the past, the 1970's past!  and a bit in need of a face lift but this all added to todays experience.
Beige bessa-block painter walls, concrete sprayed ceiling with large fans rotating in a rhythmic manner, it was clean but hot and oh so humid and it's only 8am.

As usual we were heading to the old town centre somewhere we can explore and see the local life and not just the tourist spots. But this is Turkey one has to run the gauntlet of the Turkish market sellers first. The markets were so colourful, great Turkish characters trying to encourage you to buy their wares.
Mostly silk rugs, leather jackets and exotic mosaic coloured lights plus loads of the typical tourist trinkets stuff for sale in the 100's of little shop that come right to the ports entrance. Retractable red canvas awnings give some welcome shade to the narrow allies.

Unlike Aussie shop keeper that stay inside their shops waiting for the customers to come in. Turkish shop keeper are keen and have chairs out the front or are standing, fag in hand while the other hand directs you towards their shops.
They are waiting for their prey to come past so they can entice you with a selection of complements and even come-on lines to the ladies, sometimes not sure if they are selling their bodies or letting you know what they have in their stores. You simply just HAVE to buy ... but only from him ... as he has the best price.

They are so quiet, once they get your attention, like its a secrets, just between you and him, so smooth and personable and he is purely here just to do you a favour.
But sometime he could not understand that you just weren't interested in buying a silk rug that has taken a woman 7 years to hand weave. Sure at the hourly rate it is very good value ... and thanks for pointing that out to me ... but thank you and sorry I just don't want a $20,000.00 rug to take home.... But sir ... please come inside and see that we have ... many many more rugs that you will love.
Nope great, no thanks, nope ... big smile thanks but no thanks, nope, thanks ...
I think you get my drift, but it is fun.

Then from out of a small side ally a little village man dressed .... well let's say not so cleanly with his smaller machine made rugs thrown over his shoulder. He stands in front of you and won't let you pass as his rugs are just so cheep start at $50 and as you manage to get past him they drop to $20 then $15 ... then some get so personally offended that if you don't want it then buy it for a friend back home!!!
Sir are Australian ... I have a cousin in Melbourne or some say Parramatta like thats a recommendation that you should buy from him.

It's all part of the atmosphere and bartering fun.
We stopped and looked in a glamorous looking shop window at a rug about 4m x 3m it was stunning in rich purples with a silverish metallic patten, real pretty, stunning and one of the nicest rugs we saw. A very polished well spoken man appears from somewhere and chats us up. Sorry we are just looking but he was fun and we start a bit of banter back and forth. They just want to start a line of communication, Him saying  "you like my rug" us saying "yes but I think we would have to sell our house to buy it" he could tell that we could see it was the most expensive one so was not going to let's us go without a fun fight.

So if I could be ever so rude how much is? Him with a glimmer of a sale and a sparkle in his eyes said $150,000.00 America, niiiice so thanks but not today.
With a bit of laughter back and forth but sir if you buy than I can have a holiday on a cruise ship just like you... I said yep you could have lots. He then asks how would we be paying, by cash or card. Sandy said that our limit on the card may not be enough for even a deposit, he's gestured back how would he know maybe our limit could be a million $ then Sandy quickly back to him "are you really prepared to take that chance for a sale" it's sometimes fun to call their bluff back also. He was nice and we had a bit of fun on both sides but no sale for him today from us.

Some of the sexy lady jewellery seller would stand out the front of their shops and notice that Sandy was wearing no jewellery, sir sir your beautiful lady her neck and those fingers ... Sir you must put some jewels on them ... IF you really love her ...
Sir you make her happy she make you happy ... said with a sexy giggle. Sir happy wife happy life ect ect.

As we have always said we don't travel with any jewellery, don't want to stand out in the crowd but somehow we still seam too!!

Sandy was off looking at some trinkets and I looked into a jewellers window and the bling is huge, real huge. So within a fraction of a second ... you are looking ... so you MUST want to buy... Nope thanks just looking, more harassment like is it a present for your girlfriend... No I think my wife wouldn't like that !! So for your wife then perhaps you have been naughty!! This will make it all better... They just have all the lines covered and so much fun to get into a chat with.

Fatal mistake coming Pete ... Don't do it ... Don't ask how much it is, but then the mouth opens and brain turned off for a second ... "So how much and how big is this diamond". Come come inside, no thanks quite happy out here just asking at this stage. But sir for a diamond this size we need to talk inside ... Nope we don't, I like it out here just give me a idea of the price so I can think about it.
So stood my ground and eventually with calculated in hand and the diamond on her other she come out to the door way flanked by two not so pretty blokes.
Minders not seller it sir is  7 Carats for 12,000€ so 18K Aussie. Then I said hmmm that's so cheep for such a big diamond when are they from? Belgium. No thanks it not for me as I not sure about the quality, so thanks anyway and I try to make my escape.... But sir it comes with a guaranty .... Yes I'm sure it does but thanks anyway not today I'm just looking .... Sir if this one is to cheep we have many bigger and dearer ones inside hmmm. This time me thinking and for once not saying your slightly missing to point, love ...
So with a final not today but thanks anyway and I try to blend back into the crowd, so once out of site I take off the Aussie hat, my beacon of identity.

So many lines so many come-on lines
It's cheeper now ... later as you go back to the cruise it will be dearer, so buy now.
Your breaking my heart
Thanks but I have a earring ... but sir I can sell you a bigger one!
But sir what about your mother-in law don't forget something for her
Carful don't fall down the stairs fall into my shop first.
But the best was we were on our way back to the ship and a young good looking man said to this very stuffy lady "but madam it's my last chance to ripe you off" I laughed and we made eye contact he then put his hand up and I high fived him.

1 comment:

  1. OH Pete you really do get yourself in and luckily out of some tricky situations !!
