Thursday 11 September 2014


So its back to one of my favourite and I think the most beautiful Island in Greece, Santorini.

We were here in May their spring of last year and I just fell in love so it's back this time in their summer.
The little white painted buildings all with their soft moulded corners that seamed to just hang off the cliff face. The freshly painted blue trims, window shutters and doors and specially the small domed tops that are so typical here in Santorini.

Most of the buildings in brilliant white with their vibrant teal blue trims that matches the teal ocean 100's of meters below. The little stone paths all boarded with white paint that comes down the soft moulded walls and onto the path as it weaves it's way between the rows of house, shops and mini hotels. It is so clean and neat as it is all moulded so there is nowhere for dirt to settle. This is the best way to describe the paths as they do just that ... weave their way from building to moulded connected buildings. Every so often you would get that magic glimpse between the buildings and down the mountain at the teal coloured Mediterranean ocean below.

From a distance on the deck of our ship we can see the rocky arid mountains sides and it looks like it is topped with white building like a Christmas pudding with a dripping of white frosting oozing over the sides.

This time I want to tackle the 100's of zig zag steps that make their way from the port below to the town above. Options are to go up and down on the cable car or a donkey. We choose the cable car up and I come down on foot, don't think the donkeys would be too happy with my weight.
Well the town above was a great experience like last time but the walk down was awesome. A bit scary at times even as a walker with the 100 or so donkeys either lined up with their bums pointing to the walkers or hurtling in and around you with screaming tourist on their backs as you made your way down the 2.5 m wide path. Not to-self and other tourist if you want a ride on the donkey use them going up as the donkeys are lazy but fast on the way down.
The steps with a white marble edge risers holding back the black cobble stones treads all of which slightly angled down thought design or just over the years of gravity. The over powering smell of donkeys as soon as you started your journey down the mountain and the splattering of donkey doo! all over the steps made for a interesting challenge ... But soooo worth the 30 min experience.


  1. That brings back memories - we rode up by donkeys, all three of us and walked back down however I certainly don't remember that many donkeys! You are right, Santorini is most definitely the most beautiful of all of the Greek islands that we visited.

  2. Times are a changing and if the tourist are there so are the extra donkeys the place was crowded so that was why we found a little quiet lunch spot away from them

  3. Poor donkeys is my only thoughts all those tourists, but at least it gives them something to do for the day ferrying tourists up and down. Stunning views especialy the guy relaxing with a cool drink in his hand.
