Thursday 4 September 2014

The Parthenon

Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day sitting by the sea soaking up the atmosphere so today lets do some sightseeing.
Its our 2nd port called Piraeus in the Greek Islands and adjoins Athens so it was out the gangplank with a photo with some dude dressed as a Grecian Warrior, mind you he was scrawny and no amount of plastic armour or the fake six pack was helping..... then it was on to one of the tour busses already waiting.

The first site for the Olympic games held in 776 BC is over the hill in Olympia yesterday's tour which we didn't want to do so today we went past the 2 modern Olympic sites in Athens one from 1896 and the latest one 2004. The one from 1896 is still used as a venue but the one from 2004 is abandon and is a modern day ruin, but not a tourist attraction like other ruins in Athens.The country's finances are in a real mess so the site is up for sale after only been used for the said 2004 games!!!! what a waste of money...

Greece has a population of some 11 million and Athens is home to some 5 million of them so today being Sunday most of them and a few of us boat tourist people decided to go up to the hill called The Acropolis to visit some old rocks and ruins know as the Parthenon to say It was crowded would be an understatement...
It is hot and humid at 32 deg so compared to a couple of days ago at 42 we were lucky.
BUT so worth it, an incredible blue sky so the ruins stood out like a picture post card.
Lots of ongoing restorations under way and to get a pick without a crane or scaffolding let along a persons head is difficult so hope you like my picks.

The views from the Parthenon back over the city of Athens are just simply spectacular with the luna landscape of beigh block work buildings sitting on top of each other and hardly a tree to be seen amongst them with the Aegean Sea as the back ground it was one of those great sightseeing experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Brings back memories of wandering around Athens sweltering but the starkness of the contrast of the blue sea, white stone of the buildings and the sky and very little greenery as you say is breathtaking.
