Thursday 4 September 2014

On Tour Of The Spice Markets

The Spice Markets were truly amazing, a huge over load of sights and exotic smells, a cooks heaven ...
The rows of 100's of little shops all with their beautiful pyramids arranged high of colourful spices divided in little timber boxes 500mm square. Sandy bought some spice grinders and I LOVE Turkish delights so now I have a complete flavour range to keep my sweet tooth happy for the next couple of months in Italy.

So with some lessons on what is true saffron by a Turkish store holder Sandy invested in her stash of Saffron, our tour took us to a reputable store with guaranties ect ect ect !!!!
Turkish Guaranties so here's hoping at $20.00 a gram.
So we are also hoping Australian customs will let it back in....
The Spice Markets you just have to experience to totally believe it.

1 comment:

  1. Did you not have enough of getting up close and personal with customs on the way out of the country. I guess you are first name basis with the chaps now so you shouldn't have a worry. Good luck.
