Friday 26 September 2014

Glenda & Malcolm

We have meet a great couple from England here at the Masseria and over the past  4 days have found ourselves sitting with them at dinner and relaxing by the pool between classes. Today we took them out with us to go the the Trilie Town, they are here for 2 weeks without a car and not to keen to drive on the continent !

So us crazy driving Aussies adopted them and we have been having a blast. The night time meals at the masseria are only a couple of times a week so on the others we cook. Tonight we took them to a little village and managed to communicate well enough with the locals, so with many a laugh we got some fruit and veg, chicken + the ever so important Vino Roso.
Glenda started to work for Good House Keeping in the 60' in the recipe development kitchen so Sandy and her have just clicked. With both of their passions for food we all are cooking up some Thai in the communal kitchen at the masseria and sitting under the fig trees ... what a multicultural mix.

Sandy's stash of fish sauce, coconut milk, red curry paste makes for a great Thai Red Curry. Being away for such a long time every so often we just need that hit of spice.

Malcolm lit his first ever mozzie coil and was amazed that we seam to travel very prepared but thank goodness as the mozzies down here are very friendly. Glenda prepared some poached peaches in some cinnamon sticks that we found in Venice so a great dinner all round

The Trulli buildings were "truly amazing" sorry for the pun but one can't refuse, so I will now leave you with some pictures.

The first 4 pictures was of a non tourist one that we come across the other-day in a locked paddock and is dated 1836. It consisted of several rooms all roundish and all with very tall conical ceilings with dirt floors. As we were looking from the road a old man drove by and under his Italian instruction I think we were given permission to have a look around so opened the gate and in we were. Felt like we had stepped back in time as the place was over grown but still had bits and pieces in the old cupboard and all with a dirt floor and white washed walls, it was fascinating.

The next pictures are from the tourist town of Albero????? This was also interesting as the town all with walking only streets was cutie large and again a great look back into history.


  1. Very cute buildings & a lovely fig tree.
    Seems you are really having a blast & how nice to meet new friends.

  2. Sounds great. More amazing all the time. Sorry I can't help with your previous wine question, being a non drinker.

  3. I thought all your thai spices were confiscated at the airport!!
