Thursday 11 September 2014

Rosti Potatoes

Simple ... but yum as a side dish

4 Yukon Potatoes, whole with skins (or similar starchy variety)
Salted boiling water
2 Tbs veg oil
2 Tbs butter
S & P
Chives, Paprika, Sour cream (optional)

In pot cook potatoes halfway app 12-15 mins
Strain and cool under water only till you can handle them
Shred with skins on or off (your choice)
Toss with S & P + optional chives and or paprika

In a fry pan on mid heat add oil & butter, once hot add in small or large spoons and lightly pat to form a flat round shape, but don't over pat!
Once you see a ring of brown on the bottom, flip the Rosti continue cooking 2-3 mins serve with sour cream or Greek Yogurt.

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