Saturday 13 September 2014

Goodby to Venice

Well we are off on our next adventures and as usual running out the door and trying to post my blog while I have WIFI.

Leaving Venice today and picking up a car for our next 40 day.
Travelling south of Italy for 30 days and the last 10 days making our way up to Turino in the north of Italy. Having 5 days in Turino for the international slow food movement conference and trade show.

Back to Roma for a couple of days then we fly out to Dubai 1st November for a week.

Was supposed to be for the a World Luxury Hotel Awards but they have moved it to South Africa and on the 6th December poop poop poop. Won't be able to get to the awards as our locum would have already finish her 3 months stint at the Retreat.... and has other booking till Christmas.

Anyway thats life a bit disappointing that we won't get to the awards.

GOOD new though we have been notified that we have won a category but won't be announce as to what we have won as yet ... hip hip haray ....


  1. That's great. So proud of you guys!!!!

  2. Such a nice way to end a wonderful holiday in Venice, with an award in a world wide forum.

  3. Thanks Beth & Lynette we are still in shock....

  4. What can you say - A truly deserved award what ever category it may be. You both really deserve this recognition for all of your hard work.

  5. Thanks Lindsay and Marg it's guests like you that make it so easy... And then to turn into friends makes it so special for Sandy and I xx
