Saturday 27 September 2014

Cedro Lemon

Another interesting and different fruit that we experiences at the Masserina was a Cedro Lemon.

You peel the skin away to reveal a thick hard pith which has the texture of a hard apple and this is the section you eat.

The centre juice section is sooooo sooooo bitter and not edible, but like me I still had to see just how bitter it was, I should have trusted my Italian guide !!!!
Now what you do with the pith is you cut it into slithers add lemon juice, a sweet one with some olive oil, salt and pepper and strangle enough it was quite good.
Again may look into wether I can get one back home.
Here they have to grow them in the orangery as the winds on this hill in autumn are quite strong and today we got to experience such a wind, so jackets on and it won't be a pool day. But they tell us this is usually for this time of the year and tomorrow it will be stinking hot again.

The Orangery

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