Thursday 18 September 2014

Emilia-Romagna Food Region.

Emilia-Romagna food region.
Capital city: Bologna
Famous foods: Parmigiano Reggiano, Tortellini, Bolognese sauce, Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

A vast, wealthy region located in northern Italy,   200 km south of Venice.
Emilia-Romagna is rich in meats and super-eggy pasta. The craft of curing meat is held in high esteem here — Italy's best known meat product, prosciutto di Parma, is created in Emilia, as is the "king of cheeses," Parmigiano Reggiano.
Had some aged Parmigiana 36 months with a local honey, at 36 months it is forming crystals in the centre and has a deep rich flavour.

This is the region where we are now and in this part of Emilla-Romagna garlic is king  and it is chopped and mashed up in the food unlike the Marches area, one regain below where they use it only to flavour the oil or sauce as a whole piece and remove it prior to serving. Tagletelli and ragu are best known here in this part of Italy.

Lunch today was a Tagletelli and being fresh is such a treat for us Aussies this was served with a beef ragu one of the recipes from last years blog.
Tagletelli is a flat pasta but thinner than what we would call a fettuccini.

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