Tuesday 30 September 2014

Danilo's Gnocchi

There is certainly an art in making gnocchi and Danilo has perfect soft pillows!
Sounds funny but back home I won't eat gnocchi as it is to hard and floury and like glue. I did post a recipe from Prato degli  Angelo from the Emilia Romagna region but there's was more of a pasta style and being small cooked right through and tasted fine, buy still not the soft gnocchi I have been looking for.

Here in Pulgia we found the best soft gnocchi and Danilo is here to give us the technic and his recipe. He uses much less flour and the result was wonderful, soft and fluffy gnocchi.

1kg potato cooked, mashed and "cold" The secret is use cold potato and it won't start to cook the flour prior to actually forming and cooking the gnocchi. Make sure your potato is dry so you "don't need" as much flour, so prepare it several hours before.
200gms flour
1 egg

Mix together very very gently till it comes together. Turn out in to very lightly floured surface cut of a section and roll into a sausage say 20mm dia the cut into 20mm pieces and squash and very gently roll on the back of a folk to give lines for the sauce to stick to.

Bring salted water to a boil and cook for one minute more after they come back to the float.
When you place them in the boiling water they will sink until they are nelly cooked, never stir just be patient and when they are nelly cooked and if the are light enough they will pop to the surface of the water, and as I said wait the one minutiae for a cooked, light and fluffy gnocchi...wonderbar...

Serve tossed in pesto or tomato passata is traditional.

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