Saturday 20 September 2014

Puglia Food Region

Heading further south from our adopted family just under Bologna and we have 3 days to get the 700km to the heart of the Puglia Food Region.
Puglia is in the bottom south east section of Italy, if you look at a map it looks like the heal of the boot and this where we have booked 2 places over 8 nights to do some southern style cooking classes.

It's about 1/2 an hour on the small country roads before we are back on the autostrada A14. The autostrada is a breeze and before you know it we have travelled 315km and it is now time to turn over our huge map.
This is all new territory now, we are now the furtherest south we have ever been in Italy.
We travel another 50 km on the other side of the map and through a total of 26 tunnels!!!me really happy that the tunnels are coming out to just below Pescara to a small seaside village called Marina di S. Vito and find a B&B to break up our journey.

After a big lunch with our adopted Italian family it's a light dinner and we find a cafe in town and all for under $10's a nice change for the wallet ...
Welcome to the south and a less touristic part of Italy.
What we payed for dinner was less than some of the coperto's fees that we paid in Venice just to sit at the table. Sandy engaged with the cook out the back and before you know it she is taking recipe for some small cakes and free sample, got to love the italian Southern hospitality
Back up the hill to the B&B with its quaint room and cool polished marble floors over looking the teal blue Adriatic Ocean. It is all that one needs and sooooo clean for $60 again a bargain compared to the north.
So after a great breakfast home made Crosata breads and jams we won't need to eat till dinner tonight.


  1. Hi Peter and Sandy, not sure how many if any of my comments are getting through, but I am certainly enjoying following your blog.

  2. Looks like we will be visiting the Puglia region as it will suit our wallets. Thanks for the thumbs up.

  3. Hi Bill yep I'm getting your comments cheers p
