Tuesday 24 July 2018

After a hectic day in Praveen's kitchen

 my spice tray got a wee bit messy.
Maybe this is how "Allspice" was discovered!
  So our time here with Praveen in his kitchen is over, we are now armed with the hints that make Indian cooking so aromatic and alluring.

Its all about the spices, adding them at the right time as different cooking times mean different flavours.

 The use of ground spices and to be able to keep adding them to correct the flavour balance of a dish as long as the dish is still hot.

Finally the whole spices, to cook them over high heat for a few seconds depending on the dish as dry or with oil to release their own individual flavours at the start off any Indian cook.

 But most of all have fun and sharing food knowledge.

So we hitting the road again and moving 1 hour west to Glasgow for a couple of days prior to our next cooking adventure,
a 3 day bread making course.
Cheers for now xx  


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