Thursday 5 July 2018

Scottish Oatcakes

Oats is as important to the Scottish people as rye is to the Nordic and Baltic States.
Been is Scotland for about a week now and I tried my first Scottish Oatcake straight just from shop bought packet, well its a dry oatie biscuit ... needs lashings of butter or cheese with chutney or jam.
 The Scottish Country picture that inspired me
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My realty! 
Image result for Scottish Oatcakes

225g oats
60g whole-wheat flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
60g butter
1 tsp salt ... go less and see if you need any
1/2 tsp sugar
60-80ml hot water

1 Pre-heat the oven to 190C.
2 Mix together the oats, flour, salt, sugar and bicarbonate of soda.
3 Add the butter and rub together until everything is mixed and has the consistency of large bread crumbs.
4 Add the water (from a recently boiled kettle but not to hot as you don't want to pre cook the oats as it will make them hard to roll speaking from experience) bit by bit and combine until you have a somewhat thick dough. The amount of water varies; depending on the oats. humidity ect.
Image result for Scottish Oatcakes
5 Sprinkle some extra flour and oats on a work surface and roll out the dough to approx. 1/2cm thickness (again after doing this they were a bit too thick for my liking and when you eat a shop bought one, they are always thinner and still was a dry hard going biscuit).
Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes, in a wonderfully Scottish twist I found that using an upturned whisky glass makes the perfect size ... well drained of course!.
 6 Place the oat cakes on a baking tray and bake for approx.. 20-  30mins. or until slightly golden brown.
Great alternative to Scottish Porridge in the morning, douse with butter and jam while still warm, sit back and enjoy the morning view.


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