Friday 20 July 2018

Deblethen Forrest walk

another one of our walks into a productive forest, great semi accessible walks of Scotland.
 it's so dry in this area that the ground is very Australian!
 Keeping an eye out for the endangered Red Squirrel, still only seen one at a distance.
 and if I was lucky enough he would look a bit like this one.
Image result for Red Squirrel
Seeing lot of signs
could he be in here?
 or here behind that one fantastic green trunk tree.
And if one cant see a Red Squirrel they could just be lucky enough to see this delightful little beauty walking in the forest.
 a bit of green by the dry water course.
 A Scottish mountain man restarting that furry face look again,
 this time only on the chin as I was missing my wife's kisses.
 and finally back to where the car parked
via a pretty wee gravel path.