Saturday 21 July 2018

Smoked Haddock, Haggis, Whisky and Porridge + a Bloody Mary

was some of my breakfast choices at Meldrum House, well that was when I would come down from my corner turreted tower!,
I just love the smoky Haddock's taste and asked the chef how it is warmed for breakfast service, sir, it is in a pan with milk.
Cool note to self for when I get home. 

The Haddock is so flaky, not as coloured as I remember as a kid!
 Some mornings it was served with an soft poach egg, other mornings was with Haggis. Meldrum House's Haggis has a very grainy texture so a real nice mouth feel, a bit spicy and very tasty. When you don't think to much on how it is made or what it is made with it is a delightful addition to many a Scottish dish.
You can see the texture and there are many recipes, here the addition of barley added to the lovely nutty texture.
 Stornaway black pudding
 was an addition the other morning and it is more of a dried crumbly bready texture with a darker flavour and a less spicy taste, to me I'm still a Haggis boy.

 Scottish Porridge and with the addition of a wee dram of whisky with one's morning porridge
its no wonder they also have the makings for a bloody Mary on Scottish gin on the breakfast buffet.

 Love a good Scottish breakfast in a stunning historical Scottish Country House ... think I might just have to move in! 



  1. Nooooooooooooooooo Tamworth is calling, the Retreat is more stunning than that silly old amazing delightful stunning historical castle.
