Monday 2 July 2018


Again a simple but real yummy with mashed Potatoes or Turnips.
Sorry Sands.
But I'm sure that with a bit of Sandy pimping it up she could turn these oatmeal in dripping crumbs into a interesting crumb or garnish and not just as a whole meal as eaten here in Scotland.
A real winter comfort food though, all the way to you from our cute little slate miners Luing island cottage circa late 1800's.

25g of beef dripping       
25g of butter        
1 large onion, finely chopped       
150g of medium oatmeal
salt and pepper

Place a heavy based frying-pan over a medium heat and soften the onions in the dripping. You don’t want to brown them, a little golden colour is fine.
Add in the oatmeal and stir to thoroughly coat with the onions.
Add a large pinch of sea salt and a good grinding of black pepper and stir for a couple of minutes.
Then turn the heat down as low as it’ll go.
Keep cooking for around 20-25 minutes (around 10-15 minutes for medium oatmeal). Stir regularly until the oatmeal has
softened to give a toasty bite when tasted.
Correct the seasoning if necessary and serve with savoury mince and vege.
Can also be used as a stuffing in chicken.
Not so pretty on a plate but sure tastes good on a cool midsummers evening.
 Image result for Skirlie pictures

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