Monday 2 July 2018

For the pickled "neeps" Turnips

Today I made Pickled Turnips, sandy calls them farts in a jar.
  Loving this whole escaping the rat race and doing as the Scottish inner islanders do. 
Until the other day my only childhood memory was of a boiled to death bitter mash, the mash that you had to finish before you left the table.
I have always had a love hate relationship with this vege and the other day we were served it as a pickle on Haggis ... what a mouth watering new food experience.
Still can't convince Sandy so its me alone in the kitchen this morning. Not bad knife skills there Pete.
Asked my scotch buddy Watson what sort of pickling stock he would use and off I went.
Need 1 litre vege stock ... first hurdle!
Problem being on a remote island one didn't think to bring over some vege stock ... thanks to my Italian cooking experience I made my own from vege peelings and herbs from the garden. Good job Pete.

200ml white wine vinegar... problem two ...
I did meet Pat last night a almost 90year old lady a few doors up so maybe I can borrow a cup, well that's what they do on the island help each other out and shared the results.
200g sugar
50 gms salt
4 sprigs thyme
6  peppercorns
3-4 garlic cloves, sliced

1 turnip, thinly sliced
For the neeps, Pete you are sounding soooo Scottish ...  boil all the ingredients, except the neeps and garlic, in a pan.
Remove from the heat, add the turnip and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours so it takes on the sweet and sour flavours of the pickling liquid.
Plating ... trying to entice Sandy so I will need to make them look good on a plate ... hold the Haggis, another food she is not into.
I thought she was part Scottish?