Monday 2 July 2018


Its been a long time since Watson has cooked professionally and now he just loves simple Scottish food. To me from what I'm hearing Scottish food is more .... how do I put this politely
simple, plain comfort food, well it is cold in them dar hills!
Well in winter anyway today a beautiful 20 deg mid summer.
Watson said if it is real Scottish Food that you are looking for, then you won't find better than this Stovies recipe. Ask 100 Scots for the recipe, and you will get 100 different answers and from what he is saying is much like the English bubble and squeak.
Where you live in Scotland, what you traditionally eat for lunch on Sunday, all will have an impact on the final recipe and really is a free for all. 
The word Stovies means "bits from the stove", so is a recipe using whatever you happen to have to hand on a Monday, after your Sunday roast - all those leftovers, with the main component being the bits of meat from the roast the day before.
Not that you have to be restricted to the pickings from your Sunday lunch; Stovies can also be made using a tin of corned beef or some cooked minced beef or sausages. It really is up to you.

Image result for stovies pictures
 Yep looks like it, leftover, but Scottish leftovers with a Scotsman drinking scotch.

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