Thursday 12 July 2018

Leaving Luing

Our time on the almost deserted Scottish island of Luing may now be a distance memory, it was just so amazing how many interesting people and of course a few  token
Image result for Fruit loops
we did meet!.
 But that's Island life, not for everyone.
However we had somehow fitted in just perrrrfectly!
What with afternoon drinkies starting just that little bit earlier on the island than say other part of our travels, this has helped us assimilate more readily into a relaxed island life.
A sun that never really seemed to set in high summer, so many daylight hours to enjoy that view and a book or two.

Meeting new marine friends.

but keeping ones distance as this little sucker had tentacles 1200mm long.
 Time has aged this wonderful little slate island, 

The intensifying patinas everywhere   
now that time stands so still. 
 Our new mate Watson cooked us dinner ...
Sand's has another cooking admirer,
 he just loved Sand's.
 Watson's special drams for me,
I'm thinking to keep me quiet and out of his kitchen so he had Sand's all to himself!.
 He so wanted to cook us dinner after Sandy had cooked up some dishes and took them to the hall for the 2nd footy night in a week. This island may have turned me into a footy fan!
Noooooo just world cup fever.
 Watsons Scottish stew quite nice, different, unusual! 
.... with 3 deadish vege!
But with the scotch whisky I was happy as. 
  Meeting Col has inspired me to

 start a little bit of Scottish island facial fuss of my own!
One week down, 60 years to go to catch Col's Islander look.
We are taken back the 200 yards to mainland Scotland
 Amazing that when I worked out the cost of this singular ferry ride it was way cheaper!!!! to use the vaporetto's in Venice.
Its been fun, a whole lot quirky but mostly very relaxing being on the little Scottish Island of Luing



  1. It’s wonderful how sometimes it doesn’t have to be an adventure it just has to be. This is one of those times.

  2. Lovin the new look Pete. You both look relaxed, and rightly so it's been a hectic cople of years for you both.
