Monday 2 July 2018

Luing Island

From Talbert we headed 50 km north and 5km west to our Luing Island hideaway (pronounced Ling). A special quite part of Scotland in the Inner Hebrides that Sandy has found for her to have a Scottish test kitchen for her to prepare for The retreat's cooking school and for me to go walking ... population 193 + 2 Aussies. It's a small island 6 miles x 1, maybe that is Sandy's thought that I can't get too lost as long as I don't leave the island that is!
With the waters about 13 deg she is probably right. 
Should be restful and quiet!! well until we turn up.
We took a ferry to our hideaway, the island has no pubs, restaurants and not much except peace and quite ... walking heaven.  
all roads on Luing are single lane, with some passing bays
a kitchen to cook up some recipes learnt over our travels
 and a wee sitting room
views from the back garden
 All you can hear is the sounds of the wind in the leaves, sheep bleating and lapping water. No white noises just bliss.
 BYO, Italian Barbera ... no grapes in Scotland ... I will need to visit a distillery next week for a wee dram or ten.
 Its such a restful place, the locals say that when you come here you don't want to leave.
Final resting place !!
with views over our cottage, the one on the waters edge.
Lets go walking
 nice wild flowers and soft green grass
flower of Scotland
This is one of the several shale island of Scotland

warm to sit on, on a cool 20 deg day
wide open spaces
Dinner options ... would one of you like to come to a BBQ?
 Our stay here will be way too short, only 7 sunsets, if I can stay awake late enough!  
9pm still long shadows 
 Our view over the back garden from the kitchen window at 10pm
 Now Midnight in Mid Summer.
Doesn't the sun ever go down?




  1. Sounds great, but, No Pub!

    1. All good meet Watson and he drinks Scotch. Off to the world game night at the local hall BYO could be fun!!

  2. Sounds like a fun night. You’ll meet many of the locals🍺. The walking looks beautiful

  3. That's terrific. A holiday from your holiday. LOL
