Monday 2 July 2018

Barley and Lamb Stew

Now its Sandy's turn back in the kitchen. To continue the Scottish heritage cooking today Barley and Lamb stew is on the menu. 

Lovely local lamb grass feed on soft different from the usual conditions of Australian lambs.
Sandy even used some of the turnip to make it truly traditional.

Brown the meat, then set the meat aside, in the same pan cook down the veg for 4 mins to collect all the pan juices.
Add back in the meat, barley and simply cover with water or stock....some leftover from my previous cooking...well done Pete! We also had a gammon steak which is very thin almost like uncooked bacon but its smoked character added more flavour. Salt and pepper to taste after about 30 mins start testing the barley once its cooked, enjoy. We had to try with some local cornbread.
In true local spirit we took over a bowl to Watson.
Happy Pete, Happy Watson, Happy Sandy.

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