Thursday 12 July 2018

Scottish Porridge

Image result for Scottish Porrage
The Scots have been enjoying their porridge for centuries.
I have been enjoying it for only a week but in that week, one becomes an porridge expert! cooker that is!
Made from oats (which are one of the few grains that grow well in Scotland's climate), Scottish porridge is tasty and nutritious, and is packed full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Interesting what one goggles when confined to an island.
Apparently, as part of a healthy diet, it's a great way to help reduce cholesterol, and the slow-release carbs mean it keeps you full and full of Scottish energy until lunchtime and with my island walks that was needed.

Thanks Mr Google I didn't realise it was so good for me!.
Having a slightly high hereditary cholesterol No. I should take the yearly "eating oats tests" and see if that will change my No.? 

Historically there are a few traditions and superstitions connected with the making, and eating, of this dish in Scotland.
Traditionally, porridge is stirred with a wooden rod called a 'Spirtle' or 'Spurtle', which looks a bit like a drumstick
  • Superstition has it that Scottish porridge should always be stirred clockwise - and preferably with your right hand - otherwise the Devil will come for the person doing the stirring!
  • Porridge is traditionally served in wooden bowls, and eaten standing up. Each spoonful should be dipped in a bowl of cream that's shared by everyone at the table.
  • Hmmm so it lowers cholesterol,
    than you dip it into cream!!
  • Porridge could well have been the world's' first 'take-out'. Centuries ago, an authentic porridge recipe would be used to cook up a big pot and what wasn't eaten for breakfast would be poured into 'drawers' or another container and allowed to cool.  Once it was cooled, the porridge could be cut up into slices or blocks, wrapped, and taken along on the days' work to be eaten for lunch, dinner or a snack!

  •  or one could just go to a wee Scottish tearoom

    for some yummy cake.



    1. Sooo much better than cold porridge 😄

    2. Ah huh I've always wondered why bad luck follows me around, the bloody devil must live on my shoulder, I stir everything left handed LOL.
