Friday 20 July 2018

Gorden Castle Walled Garden

Always enjoy a wonder through a garden and today was Sandy and my sort of garden, a productive food and flower garden.
 Looking happy, all she needs now is a kitchen so she can cook some of it.
 I would be making the lettuce patch look this good ... well till Sandy can pick it that would be.
 160 year old green houses
 Getting so ideas for my beans trellises 

Look Yum ,asked the head gardener if I could pick one ...
fresh off the bush fabulous
 A bit of art always important in any garden, here a pear made out of old shoves and spades.
Sandy in the wild flower section, to get a grip of the size of this walled garden the cottage in the distant wall is the original head gardeners cottage.
The cottage is huge and so is the garden ... where do I apply for a gardening position! I could move in, hmmmmm say tomorrow. 
Some of the pretty little flower in the wild flower garden ...
What is this Mrs Patterson!!
Growing in a Scottish garden, what we in Australia have labelled Patterson Curse, pass me the hay fever tablets.
The owner of this fabulous garden, what a great thing to re-establish and open for the public to give you a glimpse into a original knighted family's garden.
The wonderful head Gardner ... so this is the one I need to plant! into the pumpkin patch to get a look in as a new gardener here ... But she is so cute, I could learn so much from her.
We may just have to top[ and tail in the little cottage of a few years yet.
So that's what a Streptocarpus looks like.
And Sandy it come's in purple,
I'll just whip one into the suit case and worry about boarder security later!



  1. My goodness how absolutely awesome. You will be sad when you see the havoc the frosts have wrought on your garden. It was still so beautiful until 10 days ago, Roll on spring.

    1. I love winter in our garden a time for everything to sleep
