Sunday 22 July 2018

Lets Cook Indian in Scotland

When Sandy first told me she wanted to cook Indian in Scotland I thought "Why"?
 But as I've always said Sandy loves to cook and I love to eat!
 So didn't really question her more on the culinary geographic subject. So today me being me I will be asking that "Why" question of our chef Praveen Kumar as to why Indian food is so popular in Scotland.
Our kitchen for the day  
 My work station, so looks like I'm cooking also!
 Should be able to get a little bit of help from my assistant! Chef
The spices are all laid out ready
 The aroma divine.
Praveen has his own tandoori oven, cool a man with gadgets.
 Also a bit of very yellow gold bling ... so he has to be Indian.
 Praveen Kumar our chef for the next couple of days.

Today we are part of a class of 5 learning the basics of Indian cuisine than Monday we have a one on one with him to learn a bit more of the chefy stuff. 
 Learning a bit about using tamarind and making our own paste.

The flavour was so sweet, fruity and a wee bit tartish.
So different to the dark bottle one of home. 
 Trying some Indian beer and using sharp knives, see boys can multi task!, today is a wee break from the scotch!
 Got to play with the daggers and the tandoori oven.
  Mixed spices with Indian flour

Made a gooie mess
 added some goodies
 Deep fry stuff, real yummy stuff ...

Cooked some amazing aromatic rice.
Made some bread
 and watched it puff.
Started to made a chicken curry
 Cooked some more spices
 add them to the dahl "darl"!
 Sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labour
Well that was until I realised that this was only the entrée and we are to cook some more delectable delights this afternoon.