Sunday 1 July 2018

Heading West

After 3 days in Callander (mid Scotland) we start heading further west, first a one night stopover at

Well, we did have to break up all that scenic Scottish driving,
what a visual overload, loads of little crystal clear streams.

Quietly running waters under the cute little ancient stone bridges.

A fisherman and walkers paradise.

It ended up a 4 hour drive but we only covered  60 km or so!
It might take a long time to get to the west at this rate.
 Finally arrived at the mouth of Loch Lomond.

 Simple dinner of Cullen Skink (Smoked Haddock Soup), fantastic smoky flavours. REALLY need to get the recipe for this one.

Ham Hock Terrine ... soooo yum.
A beautiful soft, moist and crumbly meaty dish (not jellied), so for me great satisfying mouth feel and seasoned with herbs, mustard, peppers and a tomato jam.  

 Looking over the mouth of Loch Lomond with the sun still high in the sky at 10 pm

 See you at breakfast, hope we have blackout curtains.



  1. Loch Lomond is beautiful. Apparently there is an island in the middle with a family of wallabys, (or so I was told by a local guide a few years back. Didn't see them though).

    1. Fantastic Scottish wallaby's stew. I'll have to find a local at a pub and see if they have a recipe.
