Saturday 28 July 2018


is a small village in east Ayrshire, southwest Scotland.
 See the source image
Before tomorrow's cooking class lets check out the only local pub a the bottom of the street for a wee dram and to meet 3 of the locals.
Sort of like "Cheers" TV bar in the patrons but décor purely dismal.
Muirkirk is a working class Scottish town in sad decline.

Talking with the guys and started to ask the question,
 why is the town as it is.

The village developed around its church, which was built in 1631, and was a fertile recruiting ground for the Covenanter movement. In more recent times 2012, the village has fallen into decline due to its geographic isolation and then collapse of its coal and iron industries.
One day it was thriving the next almost a ghost town, like many Scottish working class towns when the price of local coal and iron was cheaper to be shipped in from china the local demand died as did may a Scottish town.
But even with the depressed state of the town their still is some small business trying to break into tourism to make ends meet.


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