Wednesday 4 July 2018

Haggis Stage 1

Vegetarians and those with weak stomachs turn away now ... "Warning Graphic Content" not just my new mate Col!
 Meet Col from No. 14 one of the island real charters, shy and a little bit hairy ... it may be summer now but in winter some hair is important to this islander. 
A real Scottish Gem with a heart of Gold.
Haggis to a Scotsman is like Vegemite to an Aussie
only way more disgusting.
Maybe lets just do this pictorially Col as I don't think I have the stomach to describe some of the steps. 
OK for those not totally grossed out I will try and keep the description semi palatable.
But when the steps are describe like this, one has to put pen to paper so to speak ... well finger to the blog keyboard.
   "The pluck, coarse oatmeal, suet, ox bung and onions.
Seasonings are still in the cupboard at this stage"
Gallery Make your own haggis: Haggis ingredients

"The pluck is washed, simmered gently in unsalted water until tender - usually about and hour and a half - then allowed to cool overnight in its own cooking liquid".
Thanks Col ... "cooking liquid" ... nice! description.

Gallery Make your own haggis: Haggis preparing the pluck

A nice little wander around the village while the whole overnight thing in the pot is allowed to happen!
Now 9.30pm and the final sun light hits the top of No.18 Brian's house, he is the gardener and where we drop off our green waste for his compost. 

Another wee wander by the small harbour, the cool still evening air and the sounds of geese squawking in the distance.
Off to bed, that's enough Haggis info for 1 day, sweet dreams.



  1. This village is so pretty and with sunset so late you can admire it for so much longer.

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