Saturday 4 October 2014

A Day In Matera Wagging School !!

So today we skip class, it's a bit like wagging school, sorry but really I can cook better than "Harold"... and that's saying something. Sorry mum can't sugar coat that one anymore so we escape.

Matera is one of the world heritage places and what a look into a life that was full of hardships right up until the 1950 when the people were moved out of the caves and building that are in a valley and were without power, water and the basics. Today sanitation power and water have been installed and in have moved some restaurants and small underground cave B&B's. One can now own your own cave but under strict Italian laws so that means no colour or signage is used, plus loads of other restrictions. The small cobbled allies are for foot traffic only and in places it still looks like as it was when they were moved out in the 50's.

It is hot and humid today and the 1000's of steps are taking their tole on us both but what an amazing place to visit. Check it out on the web as my pictures don't show it at its best.
It is also a huge film location for biblical Italian films as you feel you are walking in a ancient town a thousand years ago.

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