Thursday 9 October 2014

Let's Cook Mushrooms

So after the disaster with Pretty Woman it's back to the kitchen where Sandy and the chef are busy making dinner for us all tonight. It's a quite night at the restaurant so sandy is getting lots of info from the chef, so as it will just be us two so I invited Antonio and his wife and two kids to join us as our guests as a big thank you for taking me up the mountain and returning me in one piece!!!!

We started with antipasta of the farmer warm squeekie cheese and long eggplants cut lengths ways filled with a lamb ragu and topped with some of their pecorino cheese. Scrumo and finished with a huge bowl of beautiful fresh porchinni  with papadella pasta ... outstanding if I say so myself.
Antonio bought us some pickled sponge mushrooms that he made up several weeks ago as a special treat as part of the antipasta you can see some in the picture below.
Still waiting on his recipe for that so will post it once I get it.



  1. Peter, what is the fluffy looking mushroom?

  2. Morning Beth, still waiting on the name of the sponge one so will let you know when I do xxx
