Sunday 19 October 2014

Goodby To Piobbico

Leaving Piobbico was difficult ... apart from the fact that my eyes were still very teary for the first hour or so as we drove into the hills. I was like a 2 year old that had been told that the play day was over and you have to go home,  I'm going to miss my little Italian truffling friend.

As we were leaving town some locals that we had met saw us driving and came out to wave goodby.
I'll miss all the attention that we have been given here, the friends we have made, the people we have cooked with and all the people at the bar wanting to buy you drinks, next time we will get an apartment in the village so we can stager home !!!!!

So we are heading south 1 hour for a one day cooking class in the hills above Assisi.

Gloria was in fine form today and their is alway several different ways to get to some of these small farms and agrotourismos tucked away high on the sides of the hills.

You could say that their is the highway and the byways and their is a direct route and an indirect route, there is also the scenic route and the very scenic route on small dirt tracks not wide enough for one car let alone one coming in the other direction. Many a time one would just drive and pray that no one was coming around the corner and I think she picks the latter just to have a bit of fun with is.

Not sure if the hire company would be too happy if they knew some of the 4 wheel drive places Gloria has taken us for fun in the stretch limo!!!!
But boy it has been fun and scary at the same time, if you don't venture off the highways you would miss out on so many of the experience we have had this trip.

So with Gloria telling in us to go up a very small dirt track I think "why not" it not my
car and if she is calling it a highway who am I to disagree. Besides it's getting late in the afternoon and all we both want is to come across the farmhouse with the little no 37 out the front so we can settle in for the night and be ready for tomorrow's autumn cooking class in Umbria.

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