Sunday 26 October 2014

the truffle class

Yep still can't get enough truffle to feed my Italian addition so with only a few more opportunities for white truffle in this food region I will just have to continue.

So today with chef Christian Milone, Giuseppe Iannotti and Eugenio Boer
It's Truffles in the Kitchen
Great day ... right up my ally and amazing how you can even make truffles into a desert!!

Leant about storage - alway keep them in the fridge in paper towel in a sealed container, changing the paper daily to keep away the humidity which will destroy the  firm texture of the truffle. Never store in rice as this will dry out the truffle and then it will be crumbly when you try to shave it.

So a starter of Carpaccio of veal that has lovingly grown up on green herby pastures on the northern side of a gently sloping hill as to not stress the beast too much, drinking only water from the alpine streams and listening to soft calming music while sitting on sun lounges eating hazel nuts and soaking up the spring sun!!!!

These people are so passionate about there animals ( well perhaps without the sun lounges and the music ) and yes they were feed on hazelnuts that did show in the flavour and texture of the finished product. When it is served as carpaccio there is no where to hide it just has to be a perfect product and it was.

It was simply done with a olive oil rub on the veal, sitting on a powder of a beef and Barbera braise ( a take on the famous Piemonte traditional dish ) a whole sweet caramelised spring onion then add the shaved truffle on the top.
Food Heaven ... dish one.

The main Called a Taste of Autumn - was small potatoes which were cooked in a slow butter bath for 6 hours and was the creamiest I have ever tasted. Cubes of  parsnip, a thick lentil soup and dark jelly cubes of a very intensely flavoured beef reduction and crushed hazelnuts all great combination with the White Alba truffle shaved on top again.

The desert was a very interesting mix of flavours and textures from the burnt white chocolate mouse with a sweet pumpkin souvied in cinnamon. An expresso meringue, a foam of cream with a  sweet crumb and all topped with the White Alba Truffle

So food heaven no. three for me ... Hmmmm ... Wow wow wow

1 comment:

  1. There's no such thing as too much truffle and for desert as well that's heavenly.
