Thursday 16 October 2014

PART 2 HARD CORE Trufffling

This blog was getting too long, it was becoming more like a script for a long movie so I thought that it would be better for my readers if I turned it into a mini series over two days....... Only so much babble you can take in one day or only so much babble I can write !!!!

So where was I up to in the first series ... Ah thats right .... Finally back on two feet on the still very very steeply sloping ground, I am upright with the aid of a stick that I found and I was soooooo grateful for bring my leather gardening gloves as the brambles well let's say an interesting foliage to crawl around in, and under. At last we had come across our first area for Pepe to sniff out the illusive white truffle. I mentioned that I know why they are so expensive..... Actually after my experience I would pay double, triple !!! BUT would I have missed this experience NO WAY ....

So Pepe's is getting excited with his head down sniffing and searching around, making a sort of grunting sound as soon as he would get a wiff of a truffle, his tail would wag frantically and he would go into fast motion scratching at the soil. At that point Dorriano would drop to the ground and put his hands under Pepe to catch any close to the surface harder black truffle, if none were there Pepe would keep scratching frantically deeper. We would then have hold Pepe back and start to dig ourselves very carefully so as to not distroy the white truffle that could lay much deeper into the ground.

Dorriano would get so excited and say with a huge smile and soft Italian voice Peetar Peetar ... Look look ...Pepe is good nooooo .... I would smile and say see see Pepe is very good.

As we would dig with a special tool that Doriano has made himself we would get the earth and smell to see if we were getting close to the truffle. It was amazing, you could smell the soil and you could tell that there was a truffle laying there somewhere so be carful and keep gently excavating.
At last white gold it was like winning the lottery and we hugged each other with manley excitement.

1 comment:

  1. Success!!!!!!! And then did you enjoy the wonderful flavour of your gold?
