Sunday 19 October 2014

Autumn Cooking Class In The Umbria Food Region

So after a picnic dinner ( cheese and biscuits) and a great nights sleep over looking the town of Assisi we started our one on one class with Letizia again we are so blessed to have had so many one on one classes and this time with someone of a great reputation.
OK allura today's class we cooked

Chick peas with wild fennel which we used on a crostini topped with chilli broccoli, a Frittata of zucchini, Local fresh salami which is soft like pate
We also had a local pecorino cheese with elderflower jelly
And a mystery pickle that we had to guess so well will prepare it and get all our friend to see if they can get it right!!!!

A beautiful Umbria lentil soup topped with rocket, crusty garlic rubbed crostini and a drizzle of her olive oil, the oil was so fresh it was still a bright green colour.

We made strizzola pasta the local variety and style made with egg and water making it less elastic.

Pork Sausage and onion ragu to go with the pasta, the sausages are typical Umbrian with garlic and pepper so it would work with a good Italian Aussie pork sausage as long as you added extra pepper and garlic.

We finished with crostata filled with ricotta, glacé orange peels and 60 % dark chocolate served with end of season figs scrumo

Finally a kick ass fennel liquore all enjoyed on the patio over looking Assisi in the distance. I will add some recipes later when I get the time as this afternoon some sight seeing in in order.

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