Tuesday 21 October 2014

Italy ... It's A Cash Economy

We started the day with a trip to the commercial markets, these ones were only open for the trade and restaurants it was huge and what a glimpse into the world where the big boys shop.

As it was a trade only market no photos were allowed .... Not sure why but maybe it had something to do with everybody paying with real huge wads of cash ...
But that's good as in most of the cold store areas of the markets you had to wear large yellow snow jackets as it was so cold, well let's just say we looked like telly tubbies so perhaps the no photo was for the best.

I asked Paolo why carry around so much cash why not pay by card or on an account ... He said Italy doesn't work like that it cost every time you move the money around so why give any to the tax man ... Hmmmmm .

He said, this is why Italy has such tall beds it's to store all the suitcases of cash.....

It is such a cash economy and most of the accommodation places tell you that they only accept cash and some even offer discounts over the internet advertising it.
They are so blatant about it, then you try to get a receipt ... sometimes it's Nhoooo you pay cash, I give discount, we don't give receipts. But you don't take credit card so I have to pay cash. Si Si but sir you pay cash so I don't give you a receipt....
So the statement is like a fish in a fishbowl it just goes round and round.

So all we can do is use the email enquiry as our receipt, well let's hope our tax department will be happy with that!!!
One place even puts it on the menu
We only accept cash and if you ask us why, we can tell you all about the Italian tax system.

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