Monday 13 October 2014

The Underground Cave Cellar

At "Caino" the morning after our amazing dinner the two of us were taken for a private tour of the owners underground cave cellar. As they only do 18 covers an evening I'm think that the cellar seams fairly extensive for just the restaurant.
Our waiter from last night tells us that it is also for the owners private use and collection for resale.

The young waiter is also the wine guy and has done a complete new stock take over the last 2 months as all the data was lost from the computer....
Hmmmm " backup is all I can say " perhaps that is why this guy is the new wine guy .... and the other was proberly thrown over the cliff by the owner!!!!!!!

They have 18,000 bottles of about 1800 labels dating back to a Spanish sherry from 1861 with a values of € 800 on the wine list. To me, not that I would pay that much for a bottle but it seams a bit to cheep for so many generation of people to move it around from cellar to cellar.
Perhaps if they had of invested that money back then I wonder what that value it would have today???
As we we went down some very old, very steep, very wet, very musky and oh so small and low was the rocky ceiling above I had to stoop over the entire way to the champaign stash deep below the city above!!!!!!!
Can't believe I could do it as this time last year NOT A CHANCE....
Then back up to the reds section our favourite drop hmmmmmm ...
The reds some dating back to 1922 .... again a LITTLE out of our price range for dinner last night but great to see it in its natural habitat " a real cave cellar "

1 comment:

  1. based on the carrying values, as an accountant I would be worried about slow stock turnover. Still, probably not the way to look at it. Do you think Froogmoore Park would go for a similar selection of wines?
