Wednesday 8 October 2014

Antino Axe Murder or Cosmic Mushroom Rock Star !!

So back to Antonio our interpreter for the cheese class, well what a character.
Just as the lesson on cheese was coming to an end and we are saying our last goodbyes he mentioned that he was going up the mountain to find some Porchinni mushrooms.
As quick as a flash I ask can I come, with my "if you don't ask you don't get theory".
Sure if you would like but I going right now said in his cockney axcent, cool I've got my walking shoes on ( well my only day shoes ) and backpack always on the ready with all the bits needed for a afternoon hiking in the mountain! So let's go.

Sandy for once says I will leave this one to you boys as the mountain stretches very high into the sky behind the farm and her knee might slow us down.

So with camera at the ready sadly the iPad was confiscated by Sandy (proberly wise as where we went an iPad was difficult to carry and as it is our only link to the outside world so it was staying with her ... good call Sands) therefor I have no images to blog, you won't be seeing any of the terrifying mountainous driving or crazy high rocky outcrops getting to the top of a mountain 1800m above sea level.  You will have look at our real pictures when we get back, slide night two!!!!

Antonio's mode of transport is a 4 wheel drive of course, it is 14 years old and being a X army jeep from England it was right hand drive and covered in camouflage, you don't want those mushrooms to know we are coming now do we !!!

Antonio is also dress in camouflage pants, army boots, black tea shirt that tightly covers his athletic body and a cap with a German war logo on.
We head off on a very accessible road and it's not to long before we are turning left and heading straight up the mountain.

The road is replaced with a bumpy dirt track and then the track turns into what is best described as a washed out river bed as the water over the year must race down the road and taken away any signs of dirt only leaving the loose rocks and sometimes a boulders or two to add a bit more to the challenge.
Sitting enjoying the ride and holding on for grim death chatting in loud voices over the noise of the engine trying its best to conquer the mountain.

Shooting pictures as quick as I can so that I have some evidence to show Sandy of how extreme but also how beautiful it is up here and I notice through the front windscreen an axe and shovel painted the same colours as the jeep and clipped on to the bonnet as well and ropes and pulleys.

What have I done this cockney speaking very fit Italian all decked out in army gear could be a serial killer or a axe murderer and with all the gear to chop me up into 100's of little pieces and no one would ever know... Well except Sandy and the rest of the cheese people down the mountain, oh and as well as the old Italian man in the back bouncing around on the metal side saddle seats, sorry to him I think I was up graded to his seat in the front!!! Just chill Pete relax and enjoy this amazing experience.

We round yet another set of serious hair pin corners now getting too many to count, also that steep at times and what feels like a 45 deg climb. To all you 4 wheel drivers it may seam a bit of a tall story but for me at times I thought we were rocketing 90 deg straight up to the moon. It was fantastic ... I'm hooked, at times it was scary but also it was just too much fun, I can't wipe the smile from my face and Antonio is loving that I'm enjoying it so much also.

We round the final corner and flatter out into a dark woodlands area with the late afternoon sun peering through the tall tree canopy above and as the engine is turned off we sit for a moment in blissful silence and enjoy the absolute solitude of this idilic and hard to get to location.

So its out of the jeep and heading by foot the last several hundred meters straight up to the top of the white rocky mountain top in amongst the tall trees with their ancient moss covered roots. It looks like a perfect location for a serial killer, Antonio and I heading in one direction and the sore bum old Italian in the other, somehow now as Antonio walks in front of me with his big cane basket swaying in his hand he doesn't look like a axe murder any more.

We stopped along the way as we saw some Porchinni's hiding in amongst the fallen tan brown autumn leaves from the trees towering above. At each location a very excited Italian would genteelly crouch down in his camouflage gear and gesturing for me to do the same in what seamed like some sort of spiritual ritual. He would with great care remove the mushroom from its hiding location, with his little pocket knife ( one to tiny to cut me into little pieces ) he would pare away the roots and dusting the top for any spores so to regenerate more of the delectable treats.

The smell of the forrest floor was more so prevalent every time we crouched down and just a great treat in itself. Antonio loved to smell each and every mushroom "he's very cosmic" and as soon as he pared away the dirt he had to share the fresh earthy forrest floor smell with me. When you see how big the basket is at this rate we will be here all afternoon but that would be fine with me it was just so peaceful and cool.
So from mushroom to mushroom, earthy smell to earthy smell and for Antonio each better then the last we then final arrive to a clearing in the forest and climb the last 100 or so meters to the top of the mountain.
Wow Wow Wow the view was simply spectacular and looking 360 degrees to more mountains higher and the valleys with ancient stoney towns that seam to litters the green rolling hills below.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pete, what a fun afternoon! I was almost there with you from your breath taking the views must have been.
