Thursday 30 October 2014

Leaving Torino by Fast Train

So it's another fast train and this time from Torino heading 703km south to Roma for our last 2 nights in Italy. (Insert 2 big sad faces) but I suppose we have to come home sometime and play with out Aussie friends (insert many many smiley faces)

The train at times is reaching 300 km a hour so thank goodness we are sitting with our backs to where we are going as it would be too hard to focus on the scenery.

Mind you I thought the road tunnels were long ... We have been in one now for about 10 minuets traveling at 300km an hour .... so I need one of my smart friends to do the calculation of the distance for me?

So tonight in Roma we are staying at a funky hotel called Hotel Art by the Spanish Steps.
So here's hoping it funky, it's arty and it by the Spanish Steps !!!
It is Italy after-all !!!


1 comment:

  1. Marg worked it out at 50kms you travelled. A bit too fast for me as I like to look at the passing scenery when travelling by train however a great way to get from a to b.
