Friday 17 October 2014

Whose Ugly

Piobbico is a small town of only 2000 so it's a tight little community and everyone knows everyone.
After dinner at Dorriano we would walk down the ancient cobble streets to the bar for a after dinner drink or 3 and a chat with the locals.

It was was always so much fun and we were alway the centre of attention, in the middle with 15 or so pairs of eyes watching and waiting to chat. It was amazing how many spoke a little English so we were all able to have a great chat and loads of laughs which are well helped along with vino and loads of Italian and Aussie hand gestures. Double kisses every where we were made feel so welcome.

Last night was extra fun and "special" as the bar is the meeting place for the Club Dei Brutti so after the bar closed we were invited back up the cobbled ally and in and under the walls of the old castle for another drink and a look at the boys club meeting room. It was like a underground vaulted stone ceiling cellar, dark and moody and smoke free..... None of this crowd smokes so it was a fresh air delight. A small bar off to one side and drum set and small stage to the other with a large oval table where about 10 of the guys were sitting.

We were made members and not sure if it's a horror or not as Club Dei Brutti is a social club formed around the need for ugly people to have some friends !!!!! Gee ... thanks ... I think !!!
It was a blast to be in such an old space under the old walls drinking vino Roso that some of the member had made. Well I suppose when you are ugly you need some vino to make other think you are not !!! So the wine flowed. 
Apparently it all start back in the mid 1800's a woman in the town was so ugly that she could get a husband so the club was formed, well at least that most of the interpretation, anyway it was another great night. But beware as I'm the new president of the Australian / Piobbico branch we have 3 memberships to give away in Aussie and I know a few people that get very ugly when we all have a drink or three so I may come knocking on your door and make you a member also. 

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