Sunday 26 October 2014

Class on leftovers ...meatballs

With Roberto Casamenti and Alessandra Bazzocchi of La Campanara, Galeata (province of Forlì-Cesena) and have there own Osteria there that specialises in meat balls and Croquettes only.

So today its a class on leftovers so as to not waste food and profits, ok sound interesting ... not sure that was what we signed up for so let's stick it out and see if it gets better.
Recipes are re shaped and today's main thread is to start using old bread, Italians alway reuse it and turn it into something else like.

"Common Sense Croquettes "
Old bread soaked in warm milk with old leftover bits of meat and cheeses all QB QB QB.
OMG am I two !!! Is it kiddies day?? or have we lost something in the translation !!!

After the last few days of Michelin star chefs with amazing inspiration today didn't quite cut the mustard for us.
But one saving grace was that the Croquettes  were served with Barbera and a good one ... so not a total lost then!!!

Here's a picture of a geranium as I figured that you all know what a Croquette looks like.

Also there is no picture of me with my white plastic apron, blue gloves, hairnets and my headset for the translation, I look like I was going into some science project.
And as all the leftover food was prepared in little dishes on our benches so all we had to do was roll them into little balls. Technical stuff!!!!!

But as Sandy and I look around at the other 20 people that had rolled them into huge balls, the head chef came over and announced via the translating headsets that we were the only one who paid attention to his instructions. "Oh goodie" we both can go to the top of the class ... So can we have another glass of the Barbera then!!