Monday 20 October 2014


So after our autumn cooking class lunch with Letizia we had some time to go and explore the ancient town of Assisi.
But it was down that hill that had bought us here yesterday .... Hmmmm ...

If we go down that hill we are going to have to come back up in the dark later tonight. Oh well, I will just have to drive like an Italian ... take ownership of the
road ... and they will just have to move over the let the stretch limo through.

But nhoooo Letizia tells us of a better way, very different to the way we came in yesterday " thanks for that Gloria " mind you it was still dirt and a narrow, windy road but with far less huge potholes.....

The ancient town of Assisi was amazing and a huge catholic pilgrimage area, every shop sold loads of catholic paraffin alia ( stuff ).

But where else to put the church but on top of the hill, of course and the parking area of course in the valley far below.
So it was a climb through the city with its little ancient cobble stone streets that wove their way to the piniacial of the town The Basilica of Saint Francesco of Assisi.
It was oh so catholic, priest and nun's everywhere the place had such a peaceful vibe even will all the shops.

Being my 2nd middle name I wanted to make sure this time it was on the "have to see list" of places that I really wanted to get to in Italy. It was also my grandfathers first name so one of those places you knew that one day I would have to try to get to.
I have a lot to live up to with the names I was given.
Peter .... well we have Peter The Great ... hmmm and St Peter ... double hmmmm..
Then William ... so William The Conquerer interesting choose but I suppose I have been know to do some conquering !!!! and then there is Francis so St Francisco Of Assisi.
Seeing all the pictures of him here he seamed like the one that was most connected with nature so a good fit for me, well thats what I will take away from today, my day in Assisi ...

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