Monday 13 October 2014

It's My Birthday and I'm in Piobbico in Autumn.

So today it my birthday and to get here we drove about 300km northeast from the lakes. We arrived a few days ago and are about 80km in from the east coast and 200km down from Venice into the La Marche region in the little town of Piobbico.

This is where last year I got my car almost stuck in a tunnel outside of Doriano,s place, remember the guy in the 600 year old house with the man cave from heaven under it. Read June 2013 blog ( a man and his cantina )

The one that asked in Italian once the car was rescued did we drink vino?? .. and with the answer Hello yes we are Aussie's!!!!!
He has invited us back to spend some time in his town with him and his family and go truffling for my 51st birthday.
So today I'm having my second birthday in the season of Autumn and it's just so pretty here.

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