Monday 11 September 2017

Lets Set the Mood and Meet our Chef Michele

So I've set the scene from my last blog in this beautifully restored 15th century apartment over looking Venice, now lets set the mood for the cooking class!

 Our table is set for 2 at the window end of the natural light filled kitchen with Prosecco to start. The table and white chair are ultra modern siting on the ancient polished floors. The finest of glass ware, this guy know how to impress.
All prepared for our arrival
 Great Mod cons for us to play with, a blast chillier down to -35 deg. as well as it cooks to + 75 deg. Certainly impressed Sandy so maybe it will be on Sandy Christmas wish list.
Combi steam oven Sandy is in cooks heaven
So lets introduce our chef Michele Cabianca and assistant Derek, but I'm sure its not spelt like that.
Michele works in the kitchen of the restaurant Club del Doge in one of Venice's best 5 star hotels Gritti Palace and at around 2000 E a night we are very comfortable staying around the corner and a bit down the Grand Canal !!!
It is film week in Venice now and the VIP's are out and about and Michele tells us he is cooking for George Clooney later this week. So Michele, pretty good reference, OK we will let you teach us a few new tricks.
So on his days off he has started up private cooking classes in his home ... win win for us.